
My mom and my kids lighting the menorah.
My mom and my kids lighting the menorah.

This is our family menorah that I used as a child. It has a music box that plays Hatikva, the Israeli national anthem. You can hear that the music box still works 40 years later. The music and the glow of the candles was mesmerizing to me as a child. My mom gave me the menorah when I left Los Angeles for college in Michigan. I brought it with me to each place I lived until I settled down in the Bay Area. Three of my grandparents were Jewish immigrants from eastern Europe and continuing the Jewish culture is important to my parents. Though I'm not religious, I light the candles with my children and my parents every Hanukkah. 

Place(s): California
Year: 1995

– Erika

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant