
Kippah from my grandparent's wedding
Kippah from my grandparent's wedding

My family first came to America around the year 1900 to gain religious freedom as Jewish people. Today, my family still follows Jewish customs and practices Judaism, including wearing Kippahs (key-pas), or Yarmulkes (Ya-muh-cus) while we pray.  A Kippah is a small round cap that most Jewish men and some women wear on their heads while in synagogue. Some men wear it all the time, not just while in temple. They can have a variety of different colors, patterns, textures, or inscriptions. They are worn to remind the wearer of the presence of G-d, to fulfill the “requirement” of having a head covering, and to signify that the person wearing one is in prayer. They are a big part of Jewish culture and heritage, and wearing them is a tradition that has been passed down for hundreds of hundreds of years. The two Kippahs pictured are one from my grandparent's wedding, in the year 1970, and one from my grandpa’s Bar Mitzvah, from the year 1961. I am the great-great-great-granddaughter of a rabbi from Eastern Europe, and the Jewish traditions my family carry on are thanks to him and his family. 

Year: 1900

– E.D.W

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more