Venezuelan Passport

This is my Venezuelan Passport
This is my Venezuelan Passport

I have spent the past week thinking about something my parents passed to me that I will pass to my children, and even though I found some very interesting things like a necklace my grandmother gave my mom and she was planning on giving it to me and a painting my dad brought from Cairo and was planning on gifting to us. I still wasn’t convinced about the material things; then I realized there is something even more important that it’s been passed down from generations and I will pass it down to my children and that is my Venezuelan heritage. I am very proud of the traditions we do like caminar la maleta en año nuevo para la buena suerte en el viaje (running with the suitcase during New Years to good luck traveling during the year), listening to Gaitas during December and how familiar we are with each other. I love being Venezuelan and I will forever be grateful with my parents for passing down their culture in hopes my children pass it down.

Place(s): Venezuela

– C

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child