Steel Pan Bracelet

In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant
This is a steel pan bracelet.
This is a steel pan bracelet.

This bracelet belongs to my mom. It is from Trinidad. She was born there and came to the United States when she was 17. It is made entirely out of copper. And has special engravings on it. The steel pan originated in Trinidad and Tobago and is played during carnival, an annual event held on the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday (a week before Lent) in Trinidad and Tobago. When celebrating it, people wear colorful and fun costumes and blast soca music, and dance in a parade on the streets. The bracelet represents our family’s favorite events in Trinidad and brings together our family with music, food, and costumes. I celebrated it once when I was 7 because I was in Trinidad. It was one of the best celebrations and experiences in my life. Nothing in the united states could compare to that. It was my mom’s favorite thing in Trinidad before she came here.

Place(s): Trinidad and Tobago
Year: 1989

– Kadie Singh

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant