Smok Wawelski

Relationship: Child of im/migrant

My mother immigrated to America from Poland in 1993. She left Poland in hopes of a better life. When she was a little girl her grandmother gave her a dragon idol also known as the Dragon of Wawel Hill. It is a famous dragon in Polish folklore that reminded her of her childhood. She has kept this idol in her home and every time she looks at it, it brings back her memories of her life in Poland. When I traveled to Poland to visit her hometown, she told me the great myth and bought me the same idol. She hopes to travel again to Poland with my younger brother and sister so they could also see the city she grew up in and buy them the idol. The idol is a very popular souvenir that can be bought in the city of Krakow.

Place(s): Krakow, Chicago
Year: 1993

– Patricia

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant