It was my fifth birthday when I got my dog. She was and still is my pride and joy. Thinking of a name for her wasn't hard; it was only natural that I named her after my favorite Disney princess at the time. I remember when my mother’s friend first showed me the collar. It was perfect for her. It had clips from the movie & it was still in great condition. I was ecstatic when the collar finally came in the mail and rushed to put it on my beloved puppy, only for it to be too big. I was a little disappointed, but she was still young and could grow into it. Even after 14 years years together the collar is still a little big, but I like to think that it symbolizes how much I love her. For me it's not just a collar, It's a symbol for the love I have for her and the happiness that she provides me with.
– JD
Relationship: unknown unknown