
In Fun
The polaroids
The polaroids

I think the hardest part of being an immigrant is having to leave your family behind. When i was a child I moved with my parents from the Dominican Republic to Aruba. A big part of my family stayed behind. During the summers we used to go back and visit them. It was really important to me. I used to wait the whole year for that. It became very important to me to take pictures of those times we spent together. Now that i'm an adult and that me and my friends have also moved abroad to go to college we only see each other during the summers. Sometimes we just meet up in different countries. It is super important to me to take pictures when i'm with them. It is a reminder that no matter if we are thousands of miles apart they'll always be with me.

Place(s): Dominican Republic, Aruba, United States, The Netherlands

– Jennifer Dirksz

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child