My Great Grandfather's Hat

In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant
My Great Grandfather's Hat
My Great Grandfather's Hat

My hat is a cultural piece of attire that the northern part of Albania typically uses on November 28th to celebrate Flag Day. Flag Day is the day that Albania gained its independence from Turkey and created their flag. This hat is worn by men accompanied with clothes made from jewels and leather. My dad brought the hat to New York when he moved here in 2000, just before my sister and I were born.
My great-grandfather went through a rough time because when he was an adult, a dictator ruled over Albania and forced men to build bunkers made out of concrete for shelter in case of war. My great-grandfather's brother was shot and killed by the military because he refused to help build the bunkers. The dictator ruled for over 40 years until he finally died from old age. 
My parents came to New York to give me and my sister a better education. A lot of our family has moved here ever since we came here, we visit the family that is still there once in a while but we don’t plan on moving back.

Place(s): Albania, New York
Year: 2000

– GM

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant