My Grandpa's Book

Dictionary to learn English
Dictionary to learn English

This is the book that my grandpa used when he immigrated from Croatia to NY, by way of Italy. He used it to learn English. He came here for better opportuities in life.  He used to live on a small farm and had to adjust to the city life. Luckily he had family that immmigrated before him. He used to be a painter and did other odd jobs until he was able to get into the union as a longshoreman. He worked as a longshoreman until retirement. Now he lives in Staten Island with my grandma.

Place(s): Labin/Istria, Croatia, Trieste, Italy and Brooklyn, NY
Year: 1962

– Ande Allen

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant