My Families Kugel Recipe

Kugel Recipe
Kugel Recipe

My object is a luxin kugle recipe. It came from Germany. We use it for Rosh Hashanah it’s a Jewish holiday. My mom and grandma use this recipe. It has cherries, noodles, raisins and apples. My urgrossmutter (great grandma) brought this from Germany. It is a Jewish recipe. “Luxin'' means “noodle pudding”. 
I chose this because it is important and it reminds me of my urgrossmutter. It teaches me about my culture because a bunch of people in my family used this recipe.
I wonder how many people in my family used this recipe and I wish I met my urgrossmutter. 

Place(s): Germany

– TS

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant