

My items of choice are empanadas and religion.  My Dad’s mother was an immigrant from Chile. Her name was Julie Santa Maria and all her grandkids called her Ita-ma.  Ita-ma is short for Abuelita which means grandmother in Spanish.  My Dad always talked about how she would cook for him and his brothers. On special occasions she would make empanadas. He also spoke about how it was important for her to go to church every Sunday. She was Catholic and played guitar in the church choir. She taught herself how to play guitar by watching her brothers. My Ita-ma became a United States citizen in 1972.  My Dad and his twin brother were two years old at the time.  The ceremony was in California because that is where they lived then.  She was a nurse and helped very sick babies.  She was proud to be a U.S. citizen but missed Chile and loved it very much. My Dad and Mom have passed on these important things to me. When I was little I didn't know much about religion but now it is very important to me. We go to church all this time and I am now working on receiving my confirmation.  When I get confirmed I am sure my Mom will make empanadas to celebrate and it will make my Dad very happy.

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more