My Dog

Brody, my dog.
Brody, my dog.

I choose my dog (Brody) as a part of my cultural identity because my dog is a part of my family, also family in my opinion is a big part of your identity and culture because they are who you celebrate it with. This is my family's first dog we adopted him in New York. Brody comes with us in the car everywhere we go. My dog is a big part of my life he taught my family that affection can be shown through actions instead of words. Dogs are a big part of my family's culture because my great-great grandma lived in Canada and she had a very rough childhood, while she was growing up she had a dog named Toby. Toby helped her because Toby stayed with her while she would cry. When she brought my Mom-Mom to the United States she had to leave her dog Toby behind with her abusive parents. After hearing this story from my Mom-Mom my family decided that we should get a dog to honor Toby. When I’m older in the future I would like to get a dog to keep the family tradition going. I hope the tradition of having a dog keeps going in my family.

Place(s): New York, Canada, United States

– Kylie

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more