Mano tradition

Relationship: Im/migrant
Mano - Filipino Tradition
Mano - Filipino Tradition

My mother and I immigrated to the U.S. in 2007 to join up with my dad and grandparents who arrived decades prior. Because my mom was poor, we had no heirlooms and thus brought nothing with us. We had, however, brought with us a Filipino tradition that has been passed down through generations of families in our home country. Named “Mano” after the Spanish word for hand, it is a tradition for showing respect to elders, whether they were family or not.
“Mano” is performed by having the elder’s hand touch the forehead of the younger person. It is a rather simple gesture, but it is a rather important one in my home country, for respect to one’s elders is highly stressed in Filipino etiquette. Even when the elder isn’t a family relative, Mano is used.
Having moved to America when I was very young, I quickly adapted to American culture, even forgetting most of my native language. Yet even still to this day, I practice Mano, and it gives me pride that there is something that links me to my home country’s culture and traditions.

Place(s): Philippines, New York
Year: 2007


Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant