

Every Christmas I get to taste a little bit of my Norwegian heritage. My grandpa, whose parents moved to the US from Norway is 100% Norwegian, makes a cookie called Krumkake. Krumkake is a Norwegian cookie that was originally made for Christmas. It is very similar to a waffle cone. Krumkake is made of flour, butter, eggs, cream and sugar. The mixture is make in a two sided iron and is shaped right after it is cooked in a roller like a cone. You can eat them plain or my family likes to fill them with whipped cream and strawberries. My grandpa usually has them made before we get to their house so I have not made them before but i'm hoping this year I will be able to help my grandpa make them. As I get older I hope to continue this tradition and have it carry on to other generations of my family. 

Year: 1930

– Emma Bursinger

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more