Italian Dress

In Attire

My picture is of an Italian dress that has been in my family for years. Every four years, at my family reunion, the next generation of women has to wear the dress and walk around and have enlightening conversations with relatives and take pictures. It belonged to my great-great grandmother who immigrated from Italy when she was 16 years old. They came seeking a better life and better opportunities. Along with the dress, my family has sentimental objects such as my great-great-grandmother’s green card. It is very interesting to me that my family has kept it for so many years and has made it into a family tradition that I can pass down to my future family and keep our history in our minds. When it came to be my turn to wear the dress when I was 12 years old, first off it was very small, but it was a great experience to wear what was once in Italy with my grandmother many years ago, even though I was at a very awkward stage in my life. Walking around talking to all my family members that had flown in from Italy, Germany, and from other states really let me explore the history of my family. I will be sure to carry on this family tradition into my future family so that they may know of their history as well.

– A

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more