Inside pocket

Relationship: Child of im/migrant

Everything began in 1994 when my dad crossed the border of U.S. and move to NYC. Since the economy in Ecuador was not good, he needed a job, the only solution was to come to the “Americas”. “Back in Ecuador there’s no money… I don’t need to be caring a billetera if I don’t have any. Since then, I’m always putting my money inside in my pocket” (Vega). Even now, after so many years he still putting his money inside his pocket, it reminds him of the struggle of not having any money. After two months traveling from Ecuador to NYC, he found a trabajo in a garment factory, ironing sweatshirts. First three weeks he didn’t get paid, the owners said that he needed experience, therefore, he had to work and learn first. Once he learned, he was supposed to get pay $60 a day for 10 hours. Although it was not like that because getting pay $6 per hour meant to iron 8 docents of sweatshirts. Each docent was 75 cents, and since he was a beginner he couldn’t make enough docents to make the hour. Although, after a month he learned how to be fast with the iron and the sweatshirts, and started making money. The owners started liking him, he was fast and able to do double of the work that other workers were able to. Thereafter, he was able to afford a nice place and even had enough to send to Ecuador. Finally, after seven years of working in the garment factory, he left the factory and started working in a welding company. Since then, he is a welder and works by his own now.

Year: 1994

– Carmen Vega

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant