Granny's house

My family and I at Granny's house
My family and I at Granny's house

The first house I can remember living in is my dad’s parents house when I was 5 years old. Today, I’m 16 years old and living in the same house again so that we can take care of my elderly grandmother. However, this house isn’t just a house, it’s a place full of memories and love.Granny’s house is many different things at one time. It’s an adorable little house. It has a basement that the immediate family flocks to when Granny invites way too many random people over on Christmas Eve. It has a room that my dad lived in as a teenger in the 80s, that now I live in as a teenager in 2020. Almost everyone in my family has lived in the basement at some point. It’s crazy to think how many personal memories have been made. When I was 4 or 5, my parents moved out of the house they lived in when they had me. Our family was struggling a bit trying finding a new house, so we moved into Granny’s basement until we could find one. As a kid, I was excited cause I got to live with my grandad. In the summer of 2019, he passed away. My dad didn’t want my granny living alone, and we were already looking for a new house. So, we moved back in so we could help my granny out.My granny and grandad are amazing people. My grandad told me that his ancestors were Native Americans! My family’s story is unique because all of us are so different, but everyone gets along so well! I’m so thankful to have the family that I do and that we all support each other through everything.

Place(s): Salem, Virginia

– Audrey Stamper

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more