Gold Bracelet

In Attire
My grandmother's gold bracelet.
My grandmother's gold bracelet.

It was not my grandmother who decided to immigrate to New York City, but her parents. They wanted to secure a better future for my grandmother and her two brothers, a future they would not live to see in their birthplace. Bessarabia, Romania was a quiet, simple town with streets of dirt, but it descended into chaos. When the pogroms seized power and began prosecuting Jews, their town was burned, forcing them to flee. The streets of dirt had become streets of fire; Romania was no longer safe. They did not immigrate to the United States hoping for streets of gold, but for safety, support, acceptance, and freedom. Leaving home, my grandmother and her family took what little they could, including this gold bracelet, which had once belonged to her grandmother. This bracelet served not only as a reminder of the home she lost, but of the opportunities ahead of her. Adapting to New York City was difficult, but she prospered, finding the success and security that Romania was devoid of. Eventually, she had two daughters, passing the bracelet on to them as a symbol of strength and endurance. Just like my grandmother, my mother has worked relentlessly to ensure that my sister and I would have a promising future. As I watch her work with this bracelet about her wrist, I have promised myself that I will strive forth with the same dedication.

Place(s): Romania
Year: 1928

– Heather Trazino

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant