Family Photo


This is a picture showing my ancestors on my Mom’s side of the family. They are the Hans family, the two people seated in the middle being my great-great-grandparents (Silke and Aaron Hans) and the rest being their children. The woman between both parents is my Mom’s grandma (Molly) and her sister next to her is my Great Aunt Gizi. They both survived Auschwitz together. The rest besides the two boys were killed in the camps. Before the war, they lived in Sighetu, Romania, which is also where writer Ellie Wiesel lived (We might have been related). After Molly and Gizi were freed from Auschwitz, they went back to Romania, but because of rapidly growing anti-semitism, they migrated to America with my Grandpa (Arthur) when he was very young. 

Place(s): Sighetu, Auschwitz, America

– NG

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant