This crucifix represents how my family's faith plays a big roll in my life. Every time i am really stressed my Grandmother always would tell me don't worry God is testing you. Every time i'd go through a hard time in my life I knew God always put me in this situation for a reason. My family always takes me to church every Sunday to show God I still love him. I believe God puts us in situations he knows we can't handle because he wants to know if I would give up or keep struggling and soon find success. I believe this crucifix helps me remember all the suffering and pain Jesus had went through just so his people would be fine. When ever I feel like I went through a lot of pain i see this crucifix and see I have not got through what Jesus has gone through so i just need to continue believing in my self.
– Jaime Flores
Relationship: Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant