Shabbat Candlesticks
These candlesticks were given to my parents by my mother's cousin. We rarely get to see her (I have only met her twice) so it is nice that we get to think of her and her side of the family that lives so far away. When my parents got married, this was their wedding gift from her. This object is important to me because I use it every week on Shabbat as candlesticks and my family has been using it for as long as I remember. I chose this artifact because it represents my experience with Judaism. Both sides of my family are Jewish and my mom's mom converted to Judaism when she was in her twenties. Using these candlesticks every week is very meaningful to my family because it keeps us with Judaism. As school gets more and more complicated and work gets harder, I will have less time to myself. Despite this, I will always have time to celebrate Shabbat with my family and sometimes some family friends. My family does not have a lot of old things or heirlooms, but this still is special to us for all these reasons and I love using it every time I do. Using it also brings back memories as a little kid, when one of my favorite things to do was the first thing I woke up the next day after Shabbat was to clean the candlesticks of the wax with my brother.
– AM
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more