Craigslist helped me plan my move to New Orleans. Before I relocated to Louisiana from Maine, I would peruse the Craigslist New Orleans webpage, looking for a job and a place to live. I found an apartment and had friend living in New Orleans look at it for me. I felt so much more secure moving halfway across the country knowing that I would have a place to live as soon as I arrived. After I signed the apartment lease, I returned to craigslist once again to find a roommate to share the apartment and furniture to fill it up. Buying and trading furniture through Craigslist ending up being an interesting way to meet people from New Orleans. One time I went to pick up a free microwave from a woman in the Irish Channel. She tried to convince me to take a stray cat that she was taking care of along with the microwave. I didn’t take the cat, but I still have that microwave.
– Tessa H.
Relationship: Im/migrant Im/migrant