Coffee Grinder

I am 3rd generation American. I was born in the United States and so was most of my family, but my step dad’s great grandma was from Ireland and she made this coffee grinder and it is very important to my family and I. I don’t remember anything about her because I wasn’t born when she was alive but this coffee grinder is something we will always have. It’s so special to us!  My step dads name is Jason. When Jason’s great grandma passed away the only thing that Jason could keep was the coffee grinder, even though the coffee grinder doesn’t work anymore, we will keep it and Jason will pass it down whenever he dies. We will try to keep passing it down. The grinder is actually handmade and it’s a box shape and it’s brown with a big grinder looking thing and it has a box at the bottom that catches the coffee once it’s all grinded up. And if you were to smell it, it smells like ceader wood and I love it.  It actually reminds me of old people, haha! It also has cute little designs on it and it’s very cute for being so old.  I hope that when Jason- my stepdad-  passes away that it will get passed down to me and that way I can pass it down to my kids and so on.

– Haley

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant