claddagh ring

In Attire

One Christmas Day was especially important to me and my memories. As I woke up and unwrapped many of my presents I felt happy and lucky. We would finish our morning unwrapping and giving presents and then go to my grandparents house. My Nana and Poppa were always so happy and anxious to share their Christmas day with us especially when it was time to exchange presents. They were the usual presents, some clothes and trinket but each special in their own way. But this time my Nana handed me a special box. I hesitantly opened the box and saw a special ring. She said it came from Ireland from one of their trips to see her family. It was a ring with a beautiful purple stone. She chose the purple especially for me because it was one of her favorite colors. She said it was an irish tradition to have a ring like this one. It was called a claddagh ring and this one was very special because it came straight from Ireland. I wore it everyday and it made me proud to know that it came right from Ireland from one of my grandparents many visits to see their family. I keep the ring as a special treasure to me and as I look down at the shiny purple stone and gentle hands holding it I am always reminded of my heritage and it makes me smile.

Year: 1960

– Hannah o

Relationship:  unknown unknown