My grandfather have been working hard for me since I was a newborn, for this reason I call him my father. He gave me all the economic support to get my education because all he wanted for me is to be someone in life, and don’t suffer in any job, putting himself as an example. The transition to the US from Ecuador was the worst thing in my life, I didn’t know English, and I didn’t wanted to be here just because I was feeling like I don’t belong here. After my arrival my dad started to find a place where I could learn English, and then start my education. He went to Manhattan to try to find the best English school for me, and I did not know what he was doing for me. Since the moment my dad came back home with this ALCC flyer I started to feel motivated to continue my education here because I didn’t want to study. If he did not do that for me, I will be working at a factory right now, and depressed about myself. This ALCC flyer made me feel important for my dad, and changed my perspective about living in the US. Since that moment my dad became my main motivation to succeed in life, and learning English opened doors in my life. Now I understand that I can overcome any obstacle in life as my father wanted me to do. 

Place(s): NYC
Year: 2014

– Camila Rodriguez Lopez

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant