World War II Dog Tags

Great Grandpa's World War II Dog Tags
Great Grandpa's World War II Dog Tags

My Great grandfather was born in Brooklyn in 1919.  His dad died just before his eighteenth birthday.  This left his mother as a young widow with seven children.  He had one older sister, four younger sisters and a younger brother.  Being the son, and the second oldest, he acquired most of the fatherly duties in his family.  He also helped his family financially, taking on a full-time job working in the telecommunication industry.  Shortly before the war, he married my grandma, Grandma Tessy in 1942.  After the US got involved in World War II he was drafted in March of 1944.  Since he was experienced with using telecommunications, he was chosen for a relatively safe job as a telecommunications specialist in the army.  As all military members do, he received two dog tags.  After the war, on request from AT&T, he rejoined the company.   After several years he had moved up the ranks and was a high paid manager.  He was able to move his family from Brooklyn to Nassau County, Long Island.  This is where he resided for the remainder of his life.  He died at the age of fifty-two from a rare blood cancer.  My Great Grandma remarried for a joyous 22 years before her second husband’s death at the old age of 88 due to a stroke.  Due to her first husband's role as a high ranking manager, he was able to secure a pension for my Great Grandma.  This allowed her to live to a hundred years old!  Overall he experienced all the different aspects of life in America, poverty, hard work, wealth, and war.  He was a remarkable man who will be remembered for generations in my family. 

Place(s): Brooklyn, Nassau County, Europe


Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more