Wedding Picture

Taken in Virginia on June 22nd, 1946
Taken in Virginia on June 22nd, 1946

     For my Tenement Museum object I’m doing a picture of my great grandparents Janet Jamison Sanders and John Graves Sanders. It was taken on June 22nd, 1946 when they got married in Virginia. I’m doing this picture because they are really special to me. I only met my great grandma one time. The picture is in our living room.
     My great grandfather was called Popop by his grandchildren. Popop loved gardening and served in World War II. My great grandmother was a third grade teacher. My great grandmother was called Bama by her grandchildren. Bama loved family and loved to share stories. My Mom shares those stories with me. Both of my great grandparents loved animals and I love animals too.                                                           My great grandmother's family is Scottish. Her ancestor James Jamison was born in 1650 in Glasgow, Scotland. He is my 9th great grandfather.  He then immigrated to Galway, Ireland. In 1700 he and his two kids John and Robert Jamison immigrated to America and lived near York, Pennsylvania. John’s son Thomas Jamison was born on November 7, 1732. He was a militia man and served under George Washington in the French Indian War in the campaign that ended in 1755. Captain Thomas Jamison moved to Va and died in 1830. His son John Jamison was born 1758 and served in The American Revolution. He is my 6th great grandfather.  His brother Samuel was also in the American Revolution.
     My last thoughts are what was popular when my grandparents were born?     

Place(s): Virginia
Year: 1946

– JH

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant