Volleyball Team

Relationship: Im/migrant
My Medals
My Medals

I was 7 years old and my grandma took me to visit the church, so that one day I would be a great Catholic like her. When I had to make my first communion, it was a tradition that your godparents gave you a gift.  By then all the girls in my neighborhood attended the volleyball team. So when they asked me, I didn't hesitate for a minute to say that joining the team was what I wanted. I then began to play in the youth league of the volleyball team. A few years later resources became scarce and the team disintegrated. In my first year of high school in the USA. I tried to join my school's volleyball team but it wasn't Like when I was in Dominican Republic. Here I needed some requirements that I didn't have at that time. I remember that I did everything to join but in the end it was impossible for me. When I became a sophomore I tried again and this time I succeeded but it wasn't the same as when I was 7 years old. I no longer had the same skills. I had forgotten most of the things I had learned when I was playing in my country as a child and it was so difficult for me to adapt to this new reality that the thing that I like the most and  I worked so hard isn't really my vocation. For a moment I thought about giving up and not continuing but I realized that there was something more important to contribute than just brute force when it came to hitting the ball.  I became what my team needed me to become, the person who brings joy and motivation to each loss and each victory.

Place(s): New York, Dominican Republic

– Dauris A Rosario

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant