Copper Strainer
On my dad’s side of the family there is a copper strainer that has gone through generations of family members. The farthest back that I know is that it came from my great great great grandparents. The use of it is quite straightforward as it is a strainer but currently it is used as a decoration at my dad’s house. He keeps it on a bookshelf. The strainer is small and has holes pierced all throughout the bottom to help you get the liquid out. The strainer was made from copper sheet metal which was then hammered into a copper pot. After it was made into a pot the creator then used a hammer and nail to add holes to the bottom of it. Since it was made with a hammer the strainer has all of these divots and dents in the bottom. The handles of the pot are about as thick as a pencil and are also made from copper. It is really pretty and shiny. The pot originally started in Naples, Italy and eventually found its way to New Jersey. It was passed down through so many generations of my family and eventually it will even end up being mine.
– JB
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more