Traditional Greek Costume

In Attire
This is a photo of me in a traditional Greek costume, marching in a parade.
This is a photo of me in a traditional Greek costume, marching in a parade.

My object is a traditional Greek costume. I used to go to a Greek middle school where we would dress up and perform Greek dances and songs. We would also participate in parades throughout Lowell. Part of my family immigrated from Vaho, a small town in Greece. They came to the U.S. through Ellis Island and landed in Lowell Massachusetts. We have been here ever since. When my family got here, they started their own businesses and survived the Great Depression. My family's story is unique because no one else has the same one. Everyone has their own story. Lowell has a large community of Greeks in which have similar stories to mine. 

Place(s): Greece

– FH

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more