
In Fun
Relationship: Im/migrant
My first view were high towers
My first view were high towers

I came to to this land at 4 years thinking it was just a stop not knowing it was my home. It was known as the land of the “free” yet it still did not feel that way. It was known as the land of “opportunity” yet it didn’t seem that way. It was known as “home of the brave” yet just by your skin color you give them anxiety.

America was the place where they are afraid of not only of your skin tone but by the clothes you wear. It was the place where you had opportunities only if you were “white." It was the place where you are brave only if you were “white." It was the place you are only free if only if you were “white."  That is America.

Place(s): America
Year: 2006

– Hodan Aden

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant