The Last Supper

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Portrait of “The Last Supper”
Portrait of “The Last Supper”

Both of my parents originally come from the Philippines and both grew up in religious households, and in their households, there was always a frame of “The Last Supper.” As a Christian, this painting has a lot of meaning. The painting of the  “The Last Supper“ shows Jesus and his apostles enjoying one final meal together before His crucifixion. It symbolizes that God is always protecting my family and household all of the time. My family’s moving story had many moments that stood out to me. One is that this painting has been passed down from generation to generation. In the past, I didn’t really understand the painting, let alone my religion.. I used to always ask my mom  “What is this painting for?” Every night during this time, my mom always made me and my brothers pray with her before going to sleep. She taught us to say what we are thankful for before asking for anything from Him. Soon enough, I developed a closer connection with my religion and culture. I often wondered why we do these things, but the more I practiced my religion, the more I started to connect closer with my culture and the values it has to offer. Fast forward to now, this painting will always remind me of who I am and where I came from in case I ever forgot. In the Philippines, this painting is very common all around the world. Whether people are Christian or Catholic, this same painting is what stitches both together and plays a major part in the cultural identity of the Philippines.

Place(s): Philippines

– Jalen Lopez

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant