The holy Quran

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
The Photo of the quran with tasbeeh
The Photo of the quran with tasbeeh

     The Quran is a holy book from my culture of god's word and guidance. The Quran is from Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It's used as a book for guiding people and learning about Islam.Me and my family read it every day, getting closer and closer to finishing it and getting good deeds. It's made of what a regular book would be made of. The quran contains prayers historical narratives and promises of paradise (Heaven) 

     The Quran is important to me because I love to read it and my religious book. It emphasizes the oneness of Allah, the importance of Faith and the concept of monotheism. It's connected to my whole family and a lot of people in my religion. The Quran was revealed to prophet muhammad in 609 CE From angel Jibreel

     How many times have my Grandparents read the quran? And how many surahs did they know? My final thought about the Quran is its good to clear the bad stuff out of your mind like something that is bothering you.

– Aalam

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant