Swiss army knife

My swiss army knife in all it's glory
My swiss army knife in all it's glory

When I was 11 years old, my father gifted me with a Swiss army knife. It was red in color with a white cross on the outside casing. The tools inside of the knife would include a blade, sawblade, can opener, Phillips head screwdriver, file, scissors, a toothpick, and a pair of tweezers. I remember immediately after receiving it, I went outside to sharpen sticks into spears, saw branches off trees, and do anything else that an 11-year-old with a sharp object would do. From that day on, I would carry my Swiss army knife everywhere. 

Throughout my next few years of living, my Swiss army knife would be used almost daily.  From cutting open packages to screwing in a motherboard, it could do it all. It had proven to be an especially useful tool. That’s why I plan to hand it off to my future kids. I think it’d be cool to see all the uses they would find for the various tools included inside the Swiss army knife.

Place(s): Suffolk, Virginia
Year: 1927

– K.K.U.

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant