1950 Photograph


This photo was taken in 1950 three years after my grandfather immigrated to America. He and his family fled from Lithuania before the country was occupied by the Soviets. They spent almost 4-years in Germany, living in a displaced persons camp. My grandfather was with his parents and 3 siblings. After receiving sponsorship, they boarded a ship to America and entered the country through Ellis Island. The whole family settled in Boston. My grandfather, Vytautas Leveckis, joined the army and worked as military police at Fort Drum in upstate New York. The photo shows my grandfather with his friends visiting lower Manhattan, right near where the Bull stands today. He met my grandmother, also an immigrant from Lithuania and they married in 1953. My dad was born 5-years later.

Place(s): New York, Lithuania, Germany

– Eva Leveckis

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant