Supplication as Islamic Art
The picture attached displayed the name of Imam Ali and a supplication read by the Prophet Mohammad, “Naad-e-Ali,” when he called on Imam Ali to assist him at the Event of Khyber. It is from Pakistan, where my parents are originally from. We are Shia Muslims and we pride ourselves as the followers of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib who was the cousin, son-in-law and successor of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) who followed the Prophet’s footsteps in being the peak of eloquence, kindness, justice, and steadfastness in the faith in God. Coming to the United States at the age of three, growing up with the mix of Pakistani and American traditions was sometimes confusing. But, at home, Imam Ali was what united me and my brother to our parents. Whenever we were in trouble, our parents taught us to say “Ya Ali Maddad,” because of the stature rewarded to him by God for the successful life he lead in this world. Though religious philosophy is consistent, the forms of expression or lack of expression are often highlighted or misconstrued by culture. By studying this indisputably godly personality, we were able to freely critique Pakistani and American traditions and values and discuss them with our parents and continue to do so today. Imam Ali carried over and allowed me to see religion in it's own context without the influence of cultural standards which, not all, but some, can be discriminatory whether from the motherland or here.
– F
Relationship: Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child