Suéteres de la Abuelita!

In Attire
100 b i r t h d a y <3
100 b i r t h d a y <3

My great-grandma was the person who lived the longest in my family. She created and shared amazing memories and even stories. Abuelita was one of the most important people to ever be in my life. When I was younger, I would visit her, and every time I visited her she had a story to tell or a song to sing. She loved music and dancing; she was very open-minded and an amazing woman. Every time she would sing, it brought an all-encompassing sense of peace to the place where she was singing. But when she passed away a year ago, it wasn’t the same. Abuelita's death was the loss in my life that was the hardest to heal, and I have had trouble moving on from her memory. Life won’t ever go back to being the same. Now I only have the memories left and her sweaters to remember. Her sweaters remind me of our visits. After she passed, her sweaters were passed down to her children.  Abuelita’s sweaters will always hold meaning, and it’s now her legacy that we carry. Te amo abuelita. 

Place(s): Puerto Rico

– angelica ramos

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant