

All year long, my family and I wait for our favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. The holiday where we stuff our faces with food until we cant eat anymore. The reason why this holiday is so special to us is because of my grandma’s famous stuffing. I could eat a whole bowl of it, it’s crunchy and then soft and has an amazing flavor. I would tell you what it’s made up of and why it’s so good but it’s her “secret” recipe. The second I step through the door at my grandmas house for Thanksgiving dinner I smell the delicious stuffing all the way from the front door. This is like a tradition in our family. Every year my whole family, even all my cousins, aunts and uncles, sit around the table and eat my Grandma Sue’s incredible stuffing. I hope someday that my grandma will pass down her recipe so my children can experience how delicious her stuffing is.  

– Jenna

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant