

 This stopwatch holds tremendous importance for my dad. The timepiece originally belonged to my great-grandfather, Harold. Harold was an essential person in my dad's life. He bred and raced horses for a living at his facilities. The stopwatch was his way of timing the horses’ races when they were training. My dad spent every summer up until he was eighteen there, grooming, training, and raising the foals. I never met my great-grandfather, though my dad spent an immense amount of time with him. His anecdotes are all I have to go off of. And all the stories he’s told me over long car rides just tell me that he was a simple man. The stopwatch has great significance to my dad, and progressively me. I don’t truly understand yet, but I know that the stopwatch is a memory, a sentiment of hard work and doing what I’m passionate about. The stopwatch is a piece of pride in my family and myself. When I have a legacy of my own, I will pass it on as it is to me. I want my posterity to see the watch and be inspired and motivated to do what they love. 

Place(s): Goshen, New York

– TC

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more