Steel Pan

Relationship: Child of im/migrant

My mother played the steel pan when she was a kid. She knew how to play music. I suppose my mother really enjoyed playing the steel pan because her face lights up when she talks about this musical instrument. I listen to her stories and the adventures she had while she played this instrument in her country.  When I got older my mother continued to tell me more about the steel pan. One of the things I learned from my mom is how to make a steel pan.You might be asking, ”How do you make a steel pan and what is so special about this instrument?” Well here I go...               This picture that you see here, is a steel pan.This instrument originated from Trinidad & Tobago.The Steel Pan is made from an oil drum.To make a steel pan, the bottom of an oil drum is first pounded into a bowl, then shaped and  tuned with hammers to form a surface that will help musicians to create different sounds when they use the sticks to drum against the curved part that is the inside of the pan. This instrument can be used in carnivals, during holidays, as well as, while celebrating birthdays, and other occasions. You might even see people on the sidewalks playing music and singing with this instrument in NYC.

– Kristin Bissoon

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant