Stacking Pots and Sansai

Relationship: Child of im/migrant

My object is Stacking Pots and Sansai. They are made in Africa and they went to India then England and finally to New york. The Stacking Pots and Sansai were used on a stove and you used the Sansai to pick up the pot after you finished cooking. My great grandma used it, then they were passed on to my grandma then passed on to my dad. The pots are made out of tin and the Sansai  is made out of iron. They are pretty fragile and old. Even though it was made in Africa  it is an Indian pot. 
I chose this object because it has been passed on in my family for generations and it has been with my family for over 100 years. It tells me that these pots are important to my culture. This is connected to my grandma who immigrated to India then England then Philly.
Did you use the pot for anything else? In conclusion, I think the pots are cool.

Place(s): Africa, England, India, Canada, New York


Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant