Shabbat Candles
Jack H:
That is one of my Great-Grandmother’s Shabbat candles. They were in my family before she immigrated to the US from Eastern Europe (not clear if it was Russia or Ukraine, due to borders changing over time.) The story behind it was they were passed down from each generation of my family down to my mother. These are significant to my culture because they are used for a day of rest celebrated every Friday night. This tradition was passed down through my Great-Grandparents and their ancestors (Judaism) and these candles are their way of showing that. These candles somewhat represent both sides of my family's stories, with these candles being passed down there was a harsh immigration process that was difficult to overcome. But they did. God created the world in 7 days and on the last one, he rested. That is the reason my family uses these candles. My family put in tons of hard work to get to this country and now we get to enjoy these candles and rest.
– JH
Relationship: Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child