School Uniform

In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant
My uniform
My uniform

When I see this shirt a lot of memories come to my mind. I remember those days that you didn't need to worry about a lot of things and you just used to go to school to have fun with your friends and your teachers. I mean also to learn but we all know that those times were the best. I came to the United States 5 years ago and since that date my life changed. It changed for the better because my parents wanted me to have more opportunities and I'm having them. But this shirt is so special for me because it brings back those memories when I was 8 years old ; when I was saying bye to my teachers and my friends that with some of them I still talk. But everything happens for a reason, God wanted me here because he wants a better future for me.  And one funny thing is that I didn't know that i still had the shirt. My grandma called me and showed it to me and I was so excited, so i told her to bring it for me.  

Place(s): Colombia

– I.S

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant