Sara Yacoubian, Survivor

Sara and George Yacoubian & Children
Sara and George Yacoubian & Children

 Siranoush (Sara) Kazanjian was born in Samsun, Turkey on the Black Sea, in approximately 1902. As a young Armenian child, Sara witnessed Turkish soldiers taking her father Minas from their home never to be seen again. She was then forced on a death march through the desert with her mother Nartoohi, younger sister Emily, and baby brother. The entire family survived making it to Aleppo, Syria, except for her baby brother who she watched Turkish soldiers throw down a well. From Aleppo, the family relocated to Marseilles, France and then to Philadelphia, PA through Ellis Island ,to experience the freedoms and opportunities the United States had to offer immigrants in the early 1900s.
 Sara met her husband Kevork Terziyacoubian (George Yacoubian) in the Philadelphia area where they married on February 15, 1928, (wedding photo attached) and had three children, George, Richard, and Anita. Sara worked with her husband to expand their dry-cleaning business, and managed one of their branch stores. Cherished grandchildren and great grandchildren were born, and Sara thrived -demonstrating that her faith and courage allowed her to overcome her early life adversity. Included is a photograph of Sara with great-grandchildren Angela and Matthew Atoulikian with a video of Sara telling her story of survival. She passed away in 1991. Over 100 years later, her family continues to honor her memory and remember all family members lost in the 1915 Armenian Genocide. 

Place(s): Samsun Turkey, Aleppo Syria, Marseilles France, Ellis Island, Philadelphia PA

– Richard and Mary Atoulikian, Kim Yacoubian

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant