Roots and Branches Family Tree

family tree
family tree

The object I chose is a book. This book is written by my relatives about 43 years ago, about my family. It is called roots and branches, I chose this object because instead of having one story in it it has many stories about many people, and stories about places that are special to me. The info in this book ranges from 1630 to 1980. I also chose this book because if I want to know about my family the book will probably have the information I need 
It also has a lot of traditions  in it that we no longer do. we can learn about and maybe do them and maybe pass them down again.  it talks about how they grew up,  what they like to do,  their personalities and their strengths  additionally there are lots of maps of family trees diagrams and old pics of family members  which are really cool to look at,  👍
I think it was a very good idea to write about this book because for all we know all this information could have been lost and Traditions could have been forgotten that is why I chose roots and branches to write about, to remember important things about my family’s history💅 

– FW

Relationship:  unknown unknown