Ring of Two Hearts

In Attire
The ring gifted to me by my mother
The ring gifted to me by my mother

When I turned eighteen, my mother gifted me this ring. While it may look like any old ring, bought from Pandora, with two hearts tying the band of diamonds together, it has an entire world of meaning to me. When my mom gifted this ring to me, she told me that the hearts represented her and my grandmother, whom I never got to meet. She then said that I could keep the ring for my daughter to pass down to her. This ring is so important to me because it gives me a tie to my grandmother, through my mom. Every time I wear it, I think about her and who she was. It is a gentle reminder of who I am and who I come from. 

Place(s): Ohio

– Madison Yanichko

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant