
This quilt was made by my Great Grandma.
This quilt was made by my Great Grandma.

       My Quilt My special item is a quilt. Not just any quilt, a quilt that was made by my Great Grandmother, Sylvia. She lived through the Great Depression. During that time she learned to utilize everything and repurpose items around the house. She used that method to create this quilt. The quilt patches she made were from clothes that wouldn’t fit or were too old. 
I also like this quilt because it has little pink yarn sticking out of every square. To me they look like little flowers in an endless field of cloth. Although it’s just cloth it makes me feel as if I am wandering through a meadow of flowers. This Quilt also means a lot to me because my great grandmother spent lots of time creating it and she told me that for every stitch she made she said a prayer. I don’t know when she made it, but I know she put her heart and soul into this quilt. Her hard work covers me and keeps me warm in the cold. 

Place(s): School Hill, Wisconsin

– AN:MbySN

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more