
This is the front of the quarter.
This is the front of the quarter.

The reason my artifact is a quarter is because starting from my grandmother she used the same quarter taped to all her kids' bellies to give a signature innie belly button which provides us with a really deep belly button because of the quarter. This has been running through the generations, being used on my mom, uncles, cousins, siblings, and me. The quarter means a lot to me because I want to be able to use the original quarter for my future children and hope that my children will honor it just as much as I do. My nephew is older than me and has 3 kids and all his kids have the quarter used on them hopefully I should be next to have possession of the quarter in my hands to use on my kids soon. When my mother passed the quarter on to my nephew she told him the story behind it and how much it means to her due to my grandmother's passing in 2013 and my nephew honors the quarter in the same way my mother does. That's some of why my artifact is a quarter and why.

Place(s): New york City
Year: 1894

– Egypt Carter

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant