Puerto Rican Cookbook


This artifact is a Puerto Rican cookbook. The title is Puerto Rican Cookery. My dad sometimes looks at some of the recipes and then alters them so it can fit his needs. It also has some things about desserts. It is around 385 pages and it's in English.We don't use it for cooking much. My parents keep it mostly for sentimental reasons, because when my grandmother found it she was so excited because there aren't a lot of Puerto Rican cookbooks like this. So he bought it, but she never used it because when she cooks she doesn't follow a recipe, she uses taste and smell to cook, and so she decided to give the book to my mother.I really like this book because I don’t have a lot of things from my mother’s side of the family and I feel like I’m starting to learn more about her and her heritage.

Place(s): Puerto Rico

– OJ

Relationship:  unknown unknown