Pozele (Mexico)

Pozele (Beef Stew)
Pozele (Beef Stew)

My recipe is pozole and it is from Mexico.  It is made during birthdays parties and also the Winter months. My great great grandmother showed my mom how to make pozele. My mom makes during Christmas most of the time and other special occasions we celebrate.  My mother has been making  this food for our family since I was young. 
How do you make pozele?  Some of the ingredients we use to make pozele are: dried chiles de árbol, ancho chiles, garlic, salt,  pork  cut in half, ground cumin, vegetable oil, white onion, chicken broth, Mexican dried oregano, bay leaf, and white hominy. My mother has made this food for our family since we were  young. This recipe is important to me because  it reminds us about the importance of celebrating together, and  keeping your culture. It is also important because it connect and brings my family together during these special occasions. Some questions I have about pozele: What can you eat pozele with? Why do the kernels turn big when you cook them? Some thoughts I have about my Mexican culture are I enjoy food very much. When I visit Mexico I love to see the beach, listen to the music, and learn more about my family. One day I hope to visit Mexico so I can learn more about history. 

Place(s): Mexico
Year: 2021

– J

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant